Mahdi's Engineering

stop wasting your keystrokes, my honest rant without a clickbait

2 min read

I’ve been reading tech Medium for a few years now. There is this clickbait phenomena where authors tend to write something along the lines of:

  • “some slightly old technology is going to die, here’s what to use instead”
  • “stop using that new technology, here’s why”
  • “this technology vs that technology, why this is always better than that technology”.

you get the idea.

Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing that allows such content on the platform and thank God I am NOT a moderator nor in charge of stopping these kinds of content.

Doing anything for the clout

One possible motivation would be to generate outrage from folks like myself. If you’re reading this article they already have achieved their goal of chasing clout. Any publicity is good publicity. They are satisfied with their comment section fighting them why they’re wrong or why they are right.

Jumping on the hype train

When carbon came out a few months ago, I’ve seen countless articles suggesting “why you should re-write your entire C++ project using carbon”!

Why? just because there’s this new trendy thing should we throw all the things we are using (and that in most cases are making money from in our companies we work in) away?

That notion by itself is at best laughable.

Negligence towards Tradeoff

There are countless comparison SEO hells in the tech articles. As a software engineer one of the most useful skills you acquire is to detect trade-offs and choose between technologies and tools available to reduce your cost and maximize your performance.

These kind of articles completely forget that fact and try to tell you why something is always better than that technology and why you should never even consider using that technology.

Don’t even get me started on the “that technology is dead …” articles.

My two cents to these writers

Spend time on your articles. You’re readers are humans, not some crawler robot trying to index your content based on key word frequency or content score. Have some respect for our time and well being.

Closing this article with a quote from beloved Scott Hanselman:

There are a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die. stop wasting your keystrokes.

Thank you.